Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinnamaon Teal

 Cinnamon Teals are a small colorful duck.  They are found in ponds throughout the American West.  They are the only duck with separate breeding populations in North and South America.  They like freshwater seasonal and semiperment wetlands, like marshes, reservoirs, sluggish streams, ditches and stock ponds.

The males are much more colorful.
The female's are a little longer.  Plus the females line through the eye is less distinct.
They do migrate, as they avoid the cold weather more then most ducks.  Many males in fall still wear drab eclipse plumage, looking much like females except for their red eyes.

Their are found in Southwest  Canada, west United States, Mexico and South America.

Enjoy the photo's by DesertDale (The Birdman)

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