Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Crested Caracara Caracara

This is a "Crested Caracara" photo that DesertDale took when we were in Florida this year.  It is a large, long-legged raptor. A member of the falcon family that looks a hawk and eats like a vulture.   Their wing almost reach to it's tail tip.
They feed on carrion (decaying flesh) and small prey. They soar in the sky like other hawks and vultures.   Their wings, body and crown are black.  Their face and neck are white.  Upper  breast and back are white, with a few black feather mixed in.  Tail is white with dark barring and dark terminal band.  Facial skin and cere are  orange.  Legs are yellow.  Their voice is silent , that is most of time.
They live in Central Florida and along the coast of Texas.  Plus a small section of south-east Arizona.
They generally do not migrate.
They are stable in Florida and Arizona.  They are expanding in Texas.
                                                                 (  This photo from goggle.)
Enjoy.                 Kitfoxgal

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