Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sandhill Crane In Florida

 "Sandhill Crane"
The adults are mostly gray with rusty blotching on neck, body, and upperwing coverts.  The nekefore crown are a dark red, with amber eyes.  Their neck are long and thin,  bill is short, thin, straight and black.  Legs long and black.
They do fly with   their neck outstretched.  Summer they are in shallow marshes; winter they follow fields , salt flats.
They are very social, may be in large flocks in some places and absent elsewhere.  
They net in around marshes.  At migration time and winter they sometime feed on waste grain in open fields.
The Platte River in Nebraska is one of the great wildlife spectacles in North America.

Beauty of a bird.  These photos were taken by no-other then DesertDale.   Kitfoxgal

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