Monday, May 13, 2013

Northern Cardinal

 The "Northern Cardinal" is  one of the most recognizable birds in North America.  It is found in eastern United States in a variety of habitats.  Males usually sing from exposed perches.  They are very colorful, with their bright red body and  their black face and a pointed head.

The female are similarly shaped but are a buffy brown and a reddish tinges on their wings and tail and chest.

They are very common throughout the east.  In the west the found in southwestern Texas, South
New Mexico and Southern  Arizona where it is common in mesquite and their habitats are usually near water.  They do not migrate and they don't molt into a dull plumage.  They are common at bird feeder. In the summer, their sweet whistles are on of the first sounds of the morning

More in a few days.  went birding this morning at "Mason Valley  Wild Area" near Yerington.

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