Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rock Wren

 The Rock Wren  is a small song bird of the wren family.  They have grey brown upper parts with small black and white spots and pale gray underparts.  Their  rump is a light

The Rock Wren is not known to drink water, but instead gets all it needs from its food. 
Even five birds kept in captivity did not drink water when it was available. 

They eat mostly insects and spiders.  
They forages on the ground in dry places and on steep dirt banks and rocky cliffs.  

The male sings to  defend the nesting territory.  The nest is usually in boulders, hole in dirt banks, under a rock ledge, in a crevice in stone building .   The nest is build by both parents, they think, .  Made in a cup of grass , weeds, bark strips, twigs, animal hair  and other debris.  Both parents feed their young.

DesertDale took the photos on one of our bird outings.

Enjoy the posting.  Kitfoxgal

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