Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Lazuli Bunting" Seen At Near French Glen, Oregon

The "Lazuli Bunting" is a rare bird to DesertDale, as he took these at French Glen in Oregon.  They are found near thickets and streamside in the west.   They are common in the summer.  The females are brown .
The Lazuli and Indigo do interbreed , as their breeding range over in the Great Plains and parts of the southwest.  They have 3 to 5 eggs.  At times female does all the feeding of the young.  Sometimes the male does help in the chore of feeding the young. 
Their habitat is in open brush or streamside shrubs.  In migration and winter they are in weedy fields, open woods and brushy places.
They  diet mostly on seeds and insects.    

Enjoy the info.  Kitfoxgal

1 comment:

  1. DesertDale. took that photo last year French Glen, Oregon
