Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cibola National Wildlife Adventure

My first good blog since I got my computer worked on, hoping it is ok.  I'll have Mr. Southern check it out before I post it.
We are at Cibola NWR.
I must get this off my mind first.  This is a comet that came up this morning.  DesertDale was up bright and early to try and find it.  He had no luck, it is not very bright. 
We are at Cibola, where we go birding every morning to see the thousand of birds that winter here.
Cibola NWR was established in 1964.  It is located on the California and Arizona
 borders.  It provide a habitat for migratory birds, wintering waterfowl and resident species.
The first photo of many, many birds  of Sandhill Cranes, Canada and Snow Geese  plus many type of water fowls.
The next  photo is one of the Yellow-headed  Blacks that gather here.  Yellow Heads are the males. Females are smaller and sooty brown.

This photo is of a swam of the black birds coming in for a landing.

 This is a burrowing owl.   We were very lucky for DesertDale to get this photo, as they are not seen often out of their nest along the right of way.

 The coyote are even harder see.  They are found in open range.  They run up to 40 miles a hour.

You can see a few of the Sandhill Cranes.  In summer they are in marshes, winter in fallow fields and salt flats.
Plus we saw 50 or more deer a long the base of the trees.

These are just 2 of the Canada geese we seen flying over head.  Many of the honkers where resting in the ponds,  that are all around.

Hope you enjoy the posting.   Plus enjoy life, as we are.  Kitfoxgal

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