Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sandhill Crane

The two Sandhill Cranes  was taken at the Cibola NWR near Yuma by DesertDale.
They are found though out North America .   They reach their peak on the Great Plains at migratory time  at stop over points .
 Their habitat are on prairies, fields, mushes and on the tundras.  Such as marshes or bogs , in open grasslands or marshy tundras.

Their diet varies on what type of area they on in, such as insects, roots of aquatic plants.  They also eat rodents, snails, frogs, lizards, snakes, berries, seeds and even nestling birds.
They long distances, even cross the  Bering Straits in the spring and fall when heading for their nesting grounds in Siberia.   The Cranes in  Mississippi, Florida and Cuba do not migrate .

Enjoy the posting.  Kitfoxgal

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