Sunday, November 10, 2013

Osprey --- Second Installment

The Osprey are a fish hawk.  They are found along coastlines, lakes and rivers  world wide.  They eat almost entirely fish.  They may eat small mammals, birds or reptiles when fish are scares.
They plunge feet first to catch their meal, fish, what they have spotted.

 The Osprey lay 2-4 eggs .  Incubation is in about 38 days.  Both parents take lay on them.  The female with the young most of the time at first.  The male brings fish and the female feeds them to the young..
Some are a permanent   resident in southern Florida, elsewhere they do migrant.  They do not migrant in flocks, travel singly.
DesertDale took these photos at the East Yuma Wetlands.
Enjoy.  Kitfoxgal

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