Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Coots-2 Babbies At Fish Lake Nevada

 These photos were taken at "Fish Lake Valley Hot Well".  They are of "Babies Coots" a few years ago.
Coots are tough, adaptable waterbirds.  They swim in the open, walk on shore  and even make their selves at home on a gulf course.  They usually are in flocks, noisy, with a good variety of calls day or night.  Often seen walking open ground.
They eat mostly plant material and much algae.  The also eat insects, tadpoles, fish, worms , also eggs of other birds.
There are some coots that migrates, mostly at night and others are permanent residents .
They may lay up to 12 eggs.    Both sexes care for the young.
Enjoy the info.  Kitfoxgal

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