Monday, April 27, 2015

Townsend's Warbler

 The Townsend's Warbler are common in mature forests.  They nest and foraging high in trees.  You can find them in the Pacific Northwest in the summer.
Most Townsend's Warbler go to Mexico or Central America for the winter.

A small number will remain along the coast north to Oregon, Washington and some will go  to Vancouver Island.
 A very pretty bird.  Kitfoxgal

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bewick's Wren

 The Bewick's Wren is a very common in brushy habitats .  That also includes  mesquite tickets to near forests.    The Southwest Wren's are paler and grayer than Pacific Wren's are.
Their call varied from dry harsh notes to a soft dry sound.

 DesertDale  caught  this Bewick's Wren, building its nest along the rail, next to the walk way at the park.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Canyon Towhee

This is a Canyon Towhee.  DesertDale took it when we went to the Bed & Breakfast, close to Sierra

 They scurrying on the ground from bush  to bush.  They peck for the  seeds and insects on the ground. The males perch on short shrubs or cacti to sing in the  breeding season.
You will find them in the desert grasslands, rocky terrain, and dry , scrubby areas.  They stay away from neighborhoods.  They favor the remote areas.

This is a female the Vermilion Flycatcher .  That was close by.
