Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Marsh Wrewn

 The Marsh Wren is one of those birds that is heard more then see. They are found in cattails, bulrushes of the very dense marshes.

 They sing in the open.  They pop up just to investigate odd noises.

Their nest is a globe-shaped mass attached to stems above the water.  The males defends the nesting area.  The males may have 2 or more mates.   The adult often puncture the eggs of other birds nesting near by.  The male also builds several incomplete nests in their territory, made by cattails , bulrushes or bushes in marsh, usually just above the water.  Both parents feed their young.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Red-Winged Blackbird

Sorry folks, been on vacation.

This Red-Winged Black Bird found his dinner.  The males are black , with bright red epaulets.  Most of the time the red is concealed and only the yellow will show.  The immature males are a sooty brown ,mottle, but with red shoulders.

This is a female Yellow-headed Blackbird.  They are smaller and browner: with the yellow in the throat and chest,
They are found from Canada to West Indies, Costa Rica.  They breed in marshes, brushy swamps, hay fields, also in cultivate land and a long edges of water.

Enjoy Kitfoxgal

Thursday, May 1, 2014


We are at one fine site for birding.  This is DesertDale on one of our outing for birding, here at Mason's Valley WMA.

 This Osprey has set their nest on a site that has been set up for nesting for the birds.  It is just a few yards from our base camp.  They build their use  bulky sticks to make their  nest atop of bare trees or poles, like this one.  The Osprey hovers above the water and plunges feet-first for his fish.

 They are found on all continents except Antarctica.  They are a very large bird.  They are the only raptor that  hover over the water for their pray.

They are found on rivers, lakes and on the coasts.

This Osprey is giving DesertDale the "Get out of my way" look.

Our "prize" photo of the Osprey was taken at "Fish Lake Valley WMA.  There are 3 ponds there.
One is a "Hot Springs", real nice.
