Thursday, November 28, 2013

Say's Phoebe

The Say's Phoebe are common around people.   They often nest on buildings.   A bird of open county.   They are found from Alaska through Mexico.

The Say's Phoebe has a slender body , a medium sized flycatcher.  They are a dark brownish gray overall , with cinnamon wash on belly.  with long flattened black bill and a long black tail.
They are in open county, sagebrush, badlands,  badlands dry barren foothills, canyons, deserts and ranches.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

House Finch

The House Finch  are a very familiar bird.  They are a native of the west.  They do visit bird feeders, plus, often in flocks.  They hide their nest in dense trees, palms, vines on walls and hanging pots.
The male House Finch has a red eyebrow and forehead contrasting with brown cap. Throat and chest red, lower underparts whitish, with dark stripes on sides.  Some males have red replaced by orange or yellow.

DesertDale took this at our Borrego site.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Northern Flicker

The Northern Flicker are found in woodlands, mountains up to 10,000 ft., towns and farms.  Found in Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.
They often feed on the ground looking for ants.   When they fly it flashes bright colors under the their wings.
There are two distinct forms, eastern/northern "Yellow-shafted Flicker  and the Red-shafted Flicker.

Enjoy the posting. DesertDale took this at 5 Palms Oasis.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Birding On The Road: Old Man and A Great Egret Fishing Together

Birding On The Road: Old Man and A Great Egret Fishing Together: Great Egret and Old Fisherman enjoy life.   DesertDale and Kitfoxgal  went birding today at the West Wetlands in Yuma.  I enjoyed the phot...

Old Man and A Great Egret Fishing Together

Great Egret and Old Fisherman enjoy life.   DesertDale and Kitfoxgal  went birding today at the West Wetlands in Yuma.  I enjoyed the photo so much , just had to post the photo. 
The "Great Egret" is being feed chicken gizzards.  They hang out at marshes, riversides and lakeshores.
Enjoy this as much as we did.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Osprey --- Second Installment

The Osprey are a fish hawk.  They are found along coastlines, lakes and rivers  world wide.  They eat almost entirely fish.  They may eat small mammals, birds or reptiles when fish are scares.
They plunge feet first to catch their meal, fish, what they have spotted.

 The Osprey lay 2-4 eggs .  Incubation is in about 38 days.  Both parents take lay on them.  The female with the young most of the time at first.  The male brings fish and the female feeds them to the young..
Some are a permanent   resident in southern Florida, elsewhere they do migrant.  They do not migrant in flocks, travel singly.
DesertDale took these photos at the East Yuma Wetlands.
Enjoy.  Kitfoxgal

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Northern Harrier

Northern Harrier they fly low over grassy fields or marsh.  They have a long, slim, rounded wings and a long tail with white on their rump.  Their head is small.  They have a well-defined facial discs like the owl. 
They are fairly common.  They make their nests on the ground in tall reeds or grasses.  It depends on the population of the rodents on how successful the site is.  They often associate with the Short-eared Owls.
DesertDale took these photos at the East Wetlands in Yuma.