Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sandhill Cranes

 Sandhill Cranes largest flocks are found at the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.  and the Colorado River Indian Reservation.  They nest in northeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah and southwest Idaho, northwestern Utah and southwestern Oregon.

 In  1992 the population was estimate based on counts in staging areas was about 20,000.  Winter range in New Mexico, around Bosque del Apache NWR, the Sulphur Springs Valley and nothern
Mexico .
they begin nesting in about 4 years of age, usually lay 2 eggs.  In winter they mostly feed on grain left in fields after harvest.
They arrive in Arizona in October and will remain there until about February.
The best place observe sandhills are in harvested corn fields near the Willcox Playa and the north       boundary of the Cibola NWR.

These are a few photos DesertDale took on one of our outings
Enjoy the info.