Monday, September 22, 2014

Steller's Jay At Flagstaff

The Steller's Jay are very aggressive.  They visit campgrounds, picnic areas and feeding stations in the West looking for food.

 The Steller's Jay is very easy to ID.  They are dark blue, with a black-crested jay with variable white or blue markings on the head.  They are the only North American jays with crests.

They are found from Alaska to Nicaragua.  But they are more limited north   and clinal among the 8 subspecies north of Mexico.  The most distinctive subspecies is in North America.  They have a longer crest, paler back and white streaks on their forehead.
They were discovered on a  Alaskan island in 1741 by Georg Steller,
This "Little Guy" is eating on a block of feed for  quail.

Hope you enjoy the posting as much as DesertDale and Kitfoxgal did having them visit our campsite  every day ,near Flagstaff.