Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Herring Gull

The Herring Gull is the largest gull of the continent .  The west coast  has other gulls that  are equally
common.  They like the coast, large lakes, land fills and fish docks.  Immature are a dark brown  with blackish bill at first. They reach adult plumage in their fourth winter.  They do get very loud at times.

Been with-out power for a couple of weeks.  Enjoy the posting.  Kitfoxgal

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lesser Goldfinch

Lesser Goldfinch is common in parts of the west.  It is a very small finch, that are often found feeding in weedy fields or streamside trees.  Usually found in dry county close to fields .
They eat seeds and some insects.  They also feed on flowers and buds of trees.
They build their nests in the southwest.  Their  breeding seasons  may extend over much of the year, from early spring to mid autumn. 
In courtship the male feeds the female.  Usually have 4-5 eggs.  They are permanent resident. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Red-Headed Duck

The Red-Headed Duck gather in large flocks in the winter time on lagoons along the Texas coast.
 In summer time  they are found on the prairie marshes were the female often lay their eggs in the nests od other water birds.
Redhead Ducks populations have been steady since 1955, at around 400,000 to 800,000.
They  dive to feed on seeds, rhizomes, tubers of pondweeds, wild celery, water lilies, grasses and wild rice, plus insects and small fish.

Enjoy.  Kitfoxgal

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Red-Breasted Sapsucker

DdesertDale took this fine looking photo at Lobdell.

The Red-Breasted Sapsucker , as you can see, is very colorful.   It is found in the Pacific Northwest.  Their bodies and wings are like other sapsuckers .  They may interbreed with Their cousins, the Yellow-bellied or Red-naped sapsuckers.
In the winter they may move south or into lowlands.  Their nest are high, may be 50-60 or more above the ground.